
Fireplace Construction – Types and Ideas to Enlighten

Fireplace is an old world construction mostly inside the house that holds fire. These structures are mainly used for heating up the room environment during cold climates. It accommodates a brazier container and a smokestack for the soot to escape. The exterior and the walls are made of stones or bricks.

Before we move onto the fireplace construction details, let us first see the types of fireplaces.

Different types of fireplaces:
  • Masonry fireplaces are high priced but long lasting construction made of stones and bricks. Regulators control the flow of the smoke. These are historical constructions that impart an aesthetic look to your interiors. They require almost no upkeep. They can be made of:
  1.              Firebricks that counter high heat generated by the fuel
  2.              Steel which bestows the same look but cost-effective
  • Fireplaces with steel casing containing the kiln and the regulator. It spreads heat much more effectively than a usual fireplace. It also come attached with fans at times.
  • Some hearths come attached with steel kiln with grate, regulator and the smokestack. Price is competitive compared to other varieties since these come prefabricated.
  • The cheapest variety is the freestanding fireplace which is a ready to use item. These can be simply placed in the room and attach a chimney through the wall or roof. These are cast iron or steel.
  • The cast iron or steel covered fireplaces using wood or coal are great options for better heat. The cost of placing these is much lower.

Further there are different types of smokestacks such as masonry, reinforced concrete or metal lined. These vary in the material used for the lining inside the chimney.

Tips to remember on fireplace construction:
  • Heating efficiency depends on the type of the fireplace and material used for the firebox.
  • The exterior of the hearth can be made of any type of bricks. However, the kiln should be of a material that spreads more heat.
  • Its dimensions should be relative to the room size. It is obvious that bigger structures will generate more heat.
  • Position of the firebox also affects the spreading of the heat. It should be placed in a way so that it is sloping on both ends. This allows the blaze and the temperature to flow headlong. The heat flows in to the room and the smoke escapes through the flue.
  • Ensure proper outflow of smoke with the equal positioning of the smolder compartment inclines.
  • There should be grate necessarily made of either stone or brick to collect the ashes. Raised grates push the firebox up hence allowing a better performance.
  • Pits in the ground can be helpful to collect ashes too; however, it’s a better idea to put a grate on top. This is to avoid any collection of wood pieces in the hole.

Quick pointers to keep in mind:

Apart from the above instructions, one should also decide upon the location before the fireplace construction. Select a mantle as per your interiors. Be sure of the fire safety rule that is the minimum space between a fireplace and flammable components. Check with the regulations related to the thickness of the fireplace or any hazards.

Following the above tips can ensure a better approach to a fireplace construction. This will not only create a relaxed home environment but also enhances the look of your home.

These are the different types of fireplace construction. Want to know more? then let's go to the details.

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