
Tips to Deal with Nappy Rashes Due To Incontinence!

Incontinence basically refers to the condition of a weak bladder. In such a condition the affected person tends to urinate even with slight coughing or sneezing. Strong desire to urinate and inability to reach the washroom can create an embarrassing situation for any individual. Doctors have come up with a temporary solution to deal with such embarrassment in the form of incontinence nappies for adults. These nappies are like diapers which prevents leakage of urine at desperate times. Incontinence nappies for adults are a blessing for all the people who suffer from this condition.
Incontinence Nappies for Adults
Whether diapers are used for kids or for adults, one of the most common side effects of the use of diapers is diaper rashes. Plethora of creams and lotions are available in the market to deal with diaper rashes on kids as well as adults, but diaper rashes of adults are not as simple and easy to treat like in kids. If proper care is not taken then the rashes can even lead to health risks and lethal skin infections. Incontinence nappies for adults may help the adults to manage the condition but rashes due to the nappies are another big problem that has to be managed.
Incontinence Pads
These Tips Are Key to Comfort

Here are a few tips that can be quite helpful in protecting and dealing with nappy rashes in adults.
  1. Frequent change of nappy or the diaper is a very good way of preventing the rashes to develop. Due to frequent exposure to urine and faecal matter adult skin already becomes sensitive and delicate. If the sensitive skin is exposed to the moist diaper for long hours then chances of development of rashes and other infections will be high. It is better if the person changes the nappy frequently. You will need to keep a lot of nappies handy in order to use at least three to four nappies a day.
  2. Keep changing the incontinence nappy brand to know which one suits you the best. You will get a number of nappy brands and variations in the market. Type of fabric, cotton, and absorbents used in each brand is different. You will never know which product suits you the best until and unless you use the product all by yourself and take a firsthand experience.
  3. Using a high quality nappy cream and frequently powdering your skin with a medical powder can also help you in preventing rashes or other painful conditions. Nappy creams act as a barrier between your sensitive skin and the nappy. This barrier can offer slight protection to your skin from the bacteria depositing on the nappy due to frequent urination. Apart from that it will be very good if you powder your skin every time you change the nappy. Medicinal powder will not only keep the skin dry and fresh but will also prevent growth of infection causing microorganisms.
  4. Another thing to keep in mind is to avoid rubbing your skin with a harsh towel or napkin in between the nappy change. Friction caused due to rubbing can lead to increased sensitivity and rashes on the skin. All you should do is gently wipe the skin with a soft cloth and dry it with a tissue or another dry soft cloth.
  5. Selection of soap or the cleaner has to be done with a lot of care. A cleaner with acidity level of 5.5pH is the best for delicate and sensitive skin. If you are not sure about the cleaner then it is best you seek advice from your physician or the chemist before buying any product.
Incontinence Pads
Keep these points, factors and tips in mind if you or your loved one is suffering from incontinence. Take the necessary precautionary steps to make yourself or others as comfortable as possible!

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