
Signs and Symptoms That Tell It Is Time for A Clutch Service

Clutches are an integral part of the engine driven vehicle and they help in smooth movement of the vehicle. They can damage or face wear and tear over a time. If left unattended or not maintained properly replacement will only be the solution that is a costly affair.   Therefore, calling out a professional at right time is extremely important. There are distinct signs and symptoms that will sign it is time for a professional clutch service or a replacement.  Therefore, knowing the signs for immediate addressing is paramount which are mentioned below:

Clutch Service
Brake and Clutch Dandenong
  • Spongy clutch: Soft or spongy clutch is one of the first signs of wear. In such a situation you will need to let the clutch pedal out for the gear to catch. It is better to head to a repair shop immediately.
  • Loose clutch: When you feel that the clutch pedal is shuddering you must know that it is time for clutch service. This will happen usually at low speeds indicating impurities in the clutch plate such as sludge and oil deposits.
  • Slippery clutch: Slipping of the clutch will indicate its life has almost ended and needs a replacement. This will result in failure of the clutch to fully disengage or engage when you depress the pedal completely. It will raise the engine RPM but the car will not move faster.
  • Noisy clutch: If you face shifting troubles, hear grinding noise or have a leaking cylinder, do delay a visit to the repair shop for a professional assessment.
  • Burning smell: This burning smell usually is emitted due to the friction caused by the slipping clutch and therefore needs immediate attention of a professional.
  • Jerkin reversing:  When you feel that your car shakes when you shift, know that you have got a bad clutch. You will usually experience such problems in reverse or in first gear.

Clutch Maintenance Tips

Clutch Service for Car
Brake and Clutch Dandenong
If you do not want to frequent a workshop for clutch service, it is better that you follow a few simple yet effective steps to maintain your clutch.
  • Reduce the amount of heat the clutch is exposed to as heat is the primary enemy to it just like most other automotive components. Avoid engaging the clutch partially such as riding it between gear shifts. While towing, try lower gears to get momentums and avoid slipping the clutch and generation of heat.
  • Do not rest your foot on the clutch continually as that will wear the throw out bearing apart from damaging the pressure plates. Even a little pressure can engage its mechanism.
Therefore, just a few changes in your driving habits can reduce damage to your clutch and you can avoid frequent clutch service from a professional technician.

If you are mechanically savvy you may try to mend a few issues or at least diagnose the issue by removing the inspection cover at the bottom of the bell housing. If you see any fine black dust around the clutch this may look like a normal wear but there may be additional issues within. 

The best way to know about issues in your clutch and go for a clutch service is to do a road test. Run your car on a highway to find out whether or not your clutch is going out. While being in the first gear, rev up your engine first and then pop into the fifth gear directly. If you find that the engine continues to rev higher up and whine at the same time and the gear has not caught, your clutch is going out.

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