
Why you need to use Orthopaedic Finger and Thumb Support?

A broken thumb is a serious problem to be addressed. It will affect your day to day activity and the ability to clutch things. In later years it can increase the risk of arthritis. You may be experiencing a lot of stiffness and swelling in your wrist. There are around twenty-seven bones in each hand, and many joints that may cause you the pain. The most affected is the mid finger and the joints at the thumb base. You might also be facing problems like nodules and lumps around your knuckles. This is mainly caused due to bone spurs. Here are a few methods on how to relieve your arthritis problems:
Thumb Support
  • To relieve the pain in your finger or thumb it is always essential that you use the Orthopaedic Finger and Thumb Support. These supports are available in different types of thumb and finger splints, thumb braces, finger orthotics, etc. These reusable finger supports are light and comfortable. These finger supports are used to treat a variety of problems like swan neck deformity, fractures, mallet finger, arthritis, triggering finger and jammed fingers.
  • Apart from this, you can also do some basic home remedies like using a heating pad. You can immerse your hands in hot water and then in cold water which is known as contrast bath therapy. Fill a pan with cold water of 65 degrees and warm water with 110 degrees of hot water. Soak your hands in warm water for 5 to 10 mins and then in cold water for 1 min. Repeat this several times to get the best results. You can also try using a coat of melted paraffin wax. This also helps to a great extent.
Most of the over the counter medications would give you relief only for some time. But it is essential that you always use the Orthopaedic Finger and Thumb Support, this not only helps your hand to grip things but also helps in healing the problem in the long run. It is essential that you take a few precautions when you are facing Arthritis problems.
  • Avoid lifting heavy items.
  • Taking the help of a physical therapist or occupational therapist will help in the maintaining movement in the joints and allows it to stop stiffening.
  • Cortisone injections can be used to treat inflammations. It is a common problem you can find with arthritis patients.
There are several surgical procedures that can be used to remove the bone spurs, help in replacing the joints, etc. The most common surgery done is to remove the joint portion and then replace it with a tendon graft. This not only helps in relieving the pain but also in maintaining the motion of the thumb. The wrist fusion is another surgical procedure that is done to secure the forearms and the bones of the wrist. As it eradicates the motion at the wrist joint, it also helps in getting rid of the pain, but due to the loss of movement, it averts some of the normal activities.
  • Proximal row corpectomy is another procedure that is done to remove small bones from the joints of the wrists. By doing this procedure, the pain will be diminished and the motion will be restored and using Orthopaedic Finger and Thumb Support futher improves motility and flexibility.
There are several online shops that provide Orthopaedic Finger and Thumb Support equipment online. It is important that you choose your suppliers carefully because there are several fake products available online. It is important that you choose based on the prescription provided by the physician. Another thing that you need to consider while buying the support is that it fits your hand.

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