
Things to Know About High Molecular Weight Plastic

Plastic is known as polyethylene and there are various kinds of plastics available in the market. To make durable plastic products, you need to use ultra-high molecular weight plastic or UHMWPE. High molecular weight plastic has a molecular weight numbering in the millions, usually between 2 and 6 million. The longer chain serves to transfer load more effectively to the polymer backbone by strengthening intermolecular interactions. This results in a very tough material with the highest impact strength of any thermoplastic presently made. It is tougher than steel and it is commonly known as Spectra or Dyneema. Both of them are trade names of high molecular weight plastics. 

People can use high molecular weight plastics for various purposes and they can design ballistic products such as body armours and armour plats with this plastic. Apart from that, you can use high molecular weight plastics for making sports goods and accessories. Plus, high molecular weight plastics are used in the automotive industry, chemical industry, food processing and beverage industry, mining and mineral processing units, and transport industry. Truck trays, bins, hoppers, manufacturing equipment, and earthmoving equipment are also made by this durable high molecular weight plastic. Even, you can also find some medical equipment and electric wires made of this plastic. 

Why Would You Use High Molecular Weight Plastic? 

High molecular weight plastic has several benefits and people can find some common benefits such as: 

  • High molecular weight plastics have high-stress resistance capacity and they will not crack. 
  • These plastics are wear-resistant and they have more than 15 times more resistance to abrasion. Even they have greater abrasion capacity than carbon steel. 
  • They are strong and durable than steel, and they are completely chemical resistant. They do not get affected by alkalis, acids, organic solvents, and electrolytic attacks. 
  • High molecular weight plastics are non-toxic materials and they are environment-friendly products. They have some dielectric properties which have self-lubrication power. They are stain-resistant and high molecular weight plastics are approved by the FDA. So, people can easily use this plastic for medical applications. 
  • Products made with high molecular weight plastics can easily float on the water because they have a low gravity. 
From all points, high molecular weight plastics can stand at the highest point and you can easily customize your products with these plastics. But, there are few disadvantages of high molecular weight plastic such as they have a low melting point and you cannot use such plastics at high temperatures. 

Different types of applications of high molecular weight plastic 

High molecular weight plastic has numerous high-performance applications. They are used for medical applications and they are used for producing biomaterials for knee, hip, and spine implants or replacement. Such biomaterials were introduced by Sir John Charnley in the 1960s and it was used for a hip replacement. But after several unsuccessful attempts, in 1998 some biomaterials were introduced in the markets which are made with High molecular weight plastics along with gamma or electron beam radiation. They are thermally processed and their oxidation levels are improved. Now, these cross-linked products are used for hip, knee and joint replacement. 

Apart from that, you can find PVC windows and doors in the market which are made with high molecular weight plastics. Plus, these plastics are also used for manufacturing hydraulic seals and bearings. They have good abrasion resistance capacity and they are perfect for the soft surface like water. 

Even some cables and wires are made and concealed with high molecular weight plastics, and they are used for insulation. Plus, you can find such plastics in the marine industry, and ships and floating structures are made with these plastics. They are wear and impact-resistant, and they have low friction with self-lubrication power. So, these plastics can easily float on the water. 

To choose the best quality high molecular weight plastics, you need to hire the best dealers or manufacturers. In this regard, you can search them online and check their samples before you choose. 

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