All you need to know about isopropyl alcohol wipes

We had been using wipes for quite some time now, but it's only after the pandemic that the world’s attention has shifted towards disinfectants. Whether it is in sanitizer or wipes, having a cleansing and disinfecting agent with us has become a necessity. The key component of most of the good-quality wipes is IPA or isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol. IPA wipes find a plethora of uses, right from cleaning the pesky marker stain to wiping off dirt and disinfecting mobile, laptop, reports, windows, and surfaces. In this blog, we are going to highlight some of the amazing uses of IPA. The reason we are emphasizing IPA or rubbing alcohol is that it can easily disinfect any surface with a simple wipe. The right percentage of IPA in a particular product decides its effectiveness.

The use of isopropyl alcohol wipes is not just limited to disinfecting surfaces, but they have many other important roles to play. IPA is known for its disinfectant properties. It kills bacteria and has been found effective in killing fungus and viruses. But one has to ensure that its concentration is less than 50%. While buying IPA wipes, you must verify the concentration to ensure its effectiveness. However, a person must use rubbing alcohol with a concentration of no less than 50 percent, otherwise, the solution will not effectively kill bacteria. 

You can easily find IPA wipes available in the market. They have the right concentration of alcohol and are highly useful for cleaning surfaces, wiping, or even removing ink stains. These are available in different forms in the market. The following segment highlights the same:

Pop-up Dispensing Tubs

isopropyl alcohol wipes

This is the most common type of packaging available in the market. You can easily pull out the wipe from the opening on the lid. The wipes are stored in a perforated roll such that when you pull out one wipe, the other one partially dispenses out. 

You can also find refill rolls in the market, and once the isopropyl alcohol wipes are over, you can easily refill them with a new set. These are a good choice for touch-up cleaning of printer stencil at the time of production and after it. These are also a good choice for light cleaning and degreasing. 

Dispensing box with a spring-loaded top

The pop-up tubs are a good choice, but it generates lint on the wipe during use. If you want to avoid this, then the dispensing box with a spring-loaded top is a good choice. There are companies that offer pre-cut isopropyl alcohol wipes in a plastic dispensing box. These wipes are c-folded, and so you can easily access them without contaminating the others. The spring attachment makes it easy for you to use the box with just one hand. 

Individually wrapped wipe packets

isopropyl alcohol wipes

These are good for cleaning sensitive surfaces like lenses, electronic parts, keyboards, touch keypads, and magnetic tape heads. These packages have wipes that are foil-wrapped. The best brands offer completely alcohol-soaked wipes. 

Critical cleaning isopropyl alcohol wipes

These are specialized alcohol wipes used for cleaning sensitive areas like aerospace production and medical device assembly. These wipes are saturated with semiconductor-grade IPA. These are super pure wipes that are used for critical purposes. 

Alcohol Swabs

isopropyl alcohol wipes

If you are looking for ultra-pure wipes to clean the computer and lab equipment, then alcohol swabs are a good choice. These are effective in cleaning sensitive surfaces, keyboards and touch keys. You can also use them for removing ink and stain marks.

The takeaway

IPA finds a multitude of application in liquid form, but isopropyl alcohol wipes are a good choice if you are looking for hassle-free use. You can easily get them from the market and use them wherever required.

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