What’s Clogging Your Drains? The Causes, Methods of Cleaning and Blocked Drainage Solutions

Everyone has faced issues related to blocked drains in their everyday life. This prevalent issue is often neglected by many which in the long run amplifies and causes a lot of damage to your overall surroundings. Clogs can occur in the toilet, sink, tub, and even the kitchen's elegant farmhouse sink. To understand this concept more effectively let’s identify the probable causes of blocked drains. Once you identify the cause, you can easily prevent such issue.

Blocked Drainage

The Primary Causes of Blocked Drains:

  • Eggshells, fibrous foods and non-foods, and grease and oil do not decompose. This implies that they will accumulate in your pipes and cause you to find a blocked drainage solution over time. Clogged drains should be repaired immediately because, if left untreated for too long, they can become breeding sites for pests such as drain flies.
  • Even worse, hair that is rinsed down the drain after a shower or while washing hair in the sink can clog the drain. In addition to washing your hair over the sink, you may also need to obtain blocked drainage solutions to clean your drains.
  • Soap may potentially be the culprit. When soap is combined with hair and other debris, it can harden into clumps that clog the drain. Still, many conventional soap bars contain grease or fat, which should not be flushed down the toilet.
  • Children who desire to see their toys float on the surface of the water of toilet may also clog drain lines and we have to find out the best blocked drainage solution. In addition, if you flush excessive amounts of toilet paper or other foreign items, such as paper towels, tampons, etc., your drain may become clogged. It is better to use a bin in your bathroom to store your waste.

Diy Blocked Drain Solutions:

Vinegar and baking soda can be used to unclog a drain if their blend is immediately poured down the drain, the fizzing can assist in loosening debris, hair, and grime. After an hour, you can flush the toilet with hot water, but it is best to let it sit overnight.

After pouring dry baking soda down the drain, vinegar can remove the odor. The simplest task is to just boil some water and pour it in your drains. Do not use hot water to clean the drains if you have PVC pipes. You can use warm water instead of hot water in this regard.

Allow the hot water a few seconds to settle between pours so it can perform its function. Before attempting this, use extreme caution with hot water and ensure the sink is fully dry. Chemical drain cleaners are unsafe to use when you have a clogged drain since they can spread some infection in your water lines.

Methods For Cleaning

Do you need a method to clean your drains? With a bent wire hanger, it is possible to unclog clogged drain pipes. Utilize a standard wire hanger that is as straight as possible. It can be used for fishing if one end is bent into a hook and then flushed down the toilet. After removing hair and/or other debris, plumbers suggest running hot water down the drain to help clean it.

In addition to another blocked drainage solution, there are also plungers, but not many people know how to use them properly. The initial dive should be straightforward. Especially if your kitchen or bathroom has hardwood flooring, you do not want any of the contents of the plunger to spill onto the floor. After the water has been removed, you can plunge at depth.

First, ensure that the plunger is in position. Don't quit even if you haven't made any progress after four or five rounds. It may take more than a dozen plunges to dislodge a clog from a drain.


Treatment is half as effective as prevention (or trying to clear a pound of hair and grease). Be cautious if, for instance, you experience excessive hair loss after shampooing. Installing a blocked drainage solution hair accumulation in the drain can help. This suggestion is applicable regardless of whether you wash your hair in a sink, shower, or bathtub.


Regardless of the quality of your appliances, clogged drain lines are an inescapable aspect of plumbing. Hair, food, grease and oil, soap, and bath toys are all problematic household things. Before calling a plumber, you can attempt a few low-cost blocked drainage solutions to save your cost.                                             

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